DMANGD Illi Baby Carrier FAQs

Hey there! Got some questions about our baby carrier? No problem, we've got answers!

First up, when can you start using it? From newborns up to 15kg (3 year olds) - so you'll get a lot of use out of it!

And what about different seasons? Don't worry, the material's not too thick or too thin, so you can use it all year round.

But what if the string doesn't feel tight enough? Don't fret - the string can feel different depending on how you use it. If you're facing in, it might feel looser, but you can tighten it up if you're facing out.

And how big can your baby be before they outgrow the carrier? Well, the waist belt length is 42 inches (107cm), but for comfort, we recommend a max of 40 inches (102cm). Other than that, one size fits all.

Last but not least, is there an easier way to do the back buckle? Not really, but don't worry, it takes some practice to get used to. We recommend trying it out without your baby first, and practicing in front of a mirror - place your arms on the back of your neck and work those magnet buckles. You'll be a pro in no time!